Textbook Note Taking Forms

Taking notes from a textbook can sometimes be difficult. Where do you start and what are the important ideas and their supporting details. Use these graphic organizers to help.


  1. Choose note-taking graphic organizers based on which topic or medium you are taking notes from.
  2. Scan the textbook section by noting the topics and keywords in bold print.
  3. Write down the key points (they are often in bold print or italics) and their definitions.
  4. Read the paragraph or section.
  5. Think: what is this telling me about?
  6. Write the important points in your own words.
  7. List any pictures or charts.
  8. Color-code your notes by category or topic by using colored pencils, highlighters of different colors or highlighter tape. Color-coding improves retention by 25%.
  9. Read your notes aloud to review them.
  10. Try walking around, pedalling a stationary bike, or sitting on an exercise ball and bouncing while reviewing your notes. This added movement helps to channel any excess energy while you focus on the learning task.
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