Story Note Taking

Story Note-Taking Forms

Record what happens first, in the middle, and at the end of a story. Remember to include some of the details, such as where the story takes place, when the events in the story take place, and what action takes place.

These forms are best used for:

  • Stories or narratives where there is a beginning, middle, and end.
  • Biographical material.
  • Sequencing events in a story or narrative.
  • Choosing a favorite part of a story or narrative.
  • Use the following guide words to help visualize a story: what, size, shape, number, color, where, when, background, movement, sound.

5W Graphic Organizer – Who, What, Where, When, How, and Why

Use this form to identify who, what, where, when, how, and why in a story or event. The form makes it easy to understand what different characters are doing, what impacts they have on events, and where different events take place. It may also be used to organize information about historical topics, such as people with impact on historical events, or to compare different stories: who is in each story, what they did, where and when they did something, or when events took place.