Basic American Paragraph

In the United States, we write paragraphs in a basic format. First we tell you, the reader, what we are going to tell you (main idea or thesis). Then, we provide details that support the main idea. Finally, we restate what we told you (concluding or ‘wrap up’ statement).

Good writers use a variety of types of sentences in their paragraphs.

Basic American Paragraph
This type of paragraph is a group of sentences that work together to support an idea. It includes a topic sentence, detail sentences and a concluding sentence.

Persuasive/ Argumentative Essay

Persuasive / Argumentative

Here are two graphic organizers to help outline your basic persuasive or argumentative essay. Start with a position or stance on a topic, write down specific reasoning or arguments, and provide evidence that validates your reasons. To strengthen your persuasive paragraph or essay, think of possible counter-arguments that you can invalidate with evidence.