Advanced Topic Note Taking

Topic Note-Taking Forms

These forms make taking notes on social studies, science, videos, lectures, or any textbook much easier. Some of the forms have space for drawing pictures or ‘doodling’ notes. Doodles help you visualize and remember what you have heard or read. Be sure to mark important information with a star or asterisk. Using colored pencils or markers also helps retain information.

If you are taking notes from a whole chapter of a textbook, use multiple copies of the forms and staple them together. Continue over multiple forms or sections if you run out of space.

Advanced Book Report

For more advanced book reports, a more in-depth analysis may be required. Look to these graphic organizers to help simplify and clarify a ‘more complicated’ book report.

Compare and Contrast

Compare and Contrast

Use these graphic organizers to compare and contrast subjects or topics. Write two items or topics of the same category on the topic line. List the parts that are similar in the center of the overlapping circles and the parts that are different in the outside areas directly under their topic.

Types of topics that are great to compare and contrast include:

  • Plants
  • Books and Stories
  • Animals
  • Items you want to purchase
  • Places you want to visit

Universal Organizers

Universal Organizers

These forms are more free-form, so they can be adapted for different uses. These can be used for note-taking, planning, or just organizing your thoughts and ideas. These forms can help you visualize and prioritize hard to resolve thoughts and ideas for project planning and more.



Storyboards are great for illustrating events in a sequence and are often used for planning the scenes in movies and commercials. They also work well for planning trips and telling stories about trips you have taken. In the large box, draw the scene, and with the lines below write down the notes that describe it.

Informational Note Taking

Star Note-Taking Form

This form is perfect for informational reading. Write the main idea of the story, paragraph, or experience (field trip, etc.) in the center. Then write five details about it, one on each point of the star. For example, if the topic is trees, write trees in the center and five facts about them on the points of the star. You can then use your completed form as a study guide or notes with which to write a paragraph about your topic.

Hint: For the Main Idea, think: This paragraph or story or selection tells me about _______________.
Details can include: number, size, dimensions, shape, direction, sensation, direction, color, action, time, setting, background, movement, sound, or answer the questions why or how.

These forms are best used for:

Informational, topic or subject-oriented material.
Example topics: space, trees, hieroglyphics, frogs, or baseball cards, etc.
Placing the main idea in the center of the star and five details that support or provide details about the main idea around the star.

Story Note Taking

Story Note-Taking Forms

Record what happens first, in the middle, and at the end of a story. Remember to include some of the details, such as where the story takes place, when the events in the story take place, and what action takes place.

These forms are best used for:

  • Stories or narratives where there is a beginning, middle, and end.
  • Biographical material.
  • Sequencing events in a story or narrative.
  • Choosing a favorite part of a story or narrative.
  • Use the following guide words to help visualize a story: what, size, shape, number, color, where, when, background, movement, sound.

Book Report

Here are some graphic organizers perfect for quick, concise book reports. The first one is basic, and the others are more advanced. Pick the right one for your needs and fill in the blanks.